Welcome to Embassy!
2025's FIRST Title
Presented by Published by Embassy!
Báthory by Leslie Téjlor!
Báthory. A mysterious and bloody noblewoman that bathed in the blood of women in hopes that it would keep her young!

🐲 Medieval Lore and Demonic Tales #3 🐲
by Hartmann
Digital Stretch Goals are coming soon. We'll let you know when they are ready.
The Estimated Deliver Date for Medieval Lore #3 PDFS and Physical Editions is June 2025.
This is an estimated date, it might be before, might be after, or might be right on time. We'll post when we have an update.
💄 Cosette by Téjlor 💄
Cosette TPB arrived and
Shipping is 100% COMPLETE!
Be Looking For Your Books!
Thanks for your patience BACKERS!
If you have any issues please contact us through the Cosette Kickstarter and we will do our best to resolve them.

Publisher of Erotic & Adult Comics, Magazines, Noir and Manga
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